1) Accolade- (n) any award, honor, or laudatory notice
- She received an accolade when she won the spelling bee.
2) Acerbity- (n) sourness; harshness or severity as of temper or expression
- He was full of acerbity because he harshly corrected the student.
3) Attrition- (n) a reduction or decrease in number, size, it strength
- Many jobs were lost through attrition.
4) Bromide- (n) a person who is platitudinous and boring; a trite saying
- Mary was a bromide as she never did anything exciting.
5) Chauvinist- (n) a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic; a person who believe one gender is superior to another
- He was a male chauvinist as he believed the male team would beat the female team.
6) Chronic- (adj) constant; habitual; inveterate; having long had a disease
- She suffers from a chronic disease that she has had all her life.
7) Expound- (v) to explain; to interpret
- The teacher expounded the lesson again since the students didn't understand it.
8) Factionalism- (adj) of a faction or factions; self-interested
- There has been great factionalismbetween the two people as they weren't interested in what the other had to say since it had nothing to do with themselves.
9) Immaculate- (adj) free from spot or stain; free from moral blemish; pure; free from fault
- The immaculate essay was the perfect example as it had no flaws.
10) Imprecation- (n) the act of imprecations; cursing
- He started an unendingimprecation when he stubbed his toe in the chair.
11) Ineluctable- (adj) incapable of being evaded; inescapable
- The prison was so well guarded that it made the prisoners ineluctable.
12) Mercurial- (adj) changeable; animated; lively
- She came in class with a mercurial attitude as she was always so bubbly.
13) Palliate- (v) to relieve or lessen without curing; alleviate; to try and conceal the gravity if excuses, apologies
- The physical therapist tried to palliate the athletes sprained wrist.
14) Protocol- (n) a supplementary international agreement; the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality
- The two states tried to come to a protocol without causing any violence.
15) Resplendent- (adj) shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid
- The sign was resplendent and everyone within miles could see it.
16) Stigmatize- (v) to set some mark of disgrace; to mark with a stigma or brand.
- The crime of the father stigmatized the whole family.
17) Sub Rosa- (n) confidentially; secretly; privately
- The meeting was held sub rosa due to the fact that nobody could know what they were talking about.
18) Vainglory- (n) excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities; boastful vanity
- He showed a lot if vainglory by bragging about his trophy.
19) Vestige- (n) a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that us no longer present or in existence
- The fossils are the only vestige of dinosaurs.
20) Volition- (n) the act of willing, or choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing; a choice of decision made by the will
- Everyone who wants to participate should do so by their own volition.