Fall Vocabulary #3
Apostate- person who abandons their faith
• Elder Amish leaders see teenage Amish as apostates.
Effusive- unrestrained in emotional expression
• After the team was the coach was effusive with excitement.
Impasse- a road or passage having no exit
• After an hour of driving we came to find out the road was impasse.
Euphoria- a feeling of intense excitement
• Once I passed my drivers test I had a feeling of euphoria.
Lugubrious- looking or sounding sad
• The student looked lugubrious after a long day of school.
Bravado- a bold manner or a show of boldness
• The man showed a great deal of bravado.
Consensus- general agreement
• After the long argument the two friends came to a consensus.
Dichotomy- a division or contract between two things
• The teacher used a dichotomous key to identify the animal.
Constrict- make narrower
• The winding river constricted towards the end.
Gothic- language or type of style
• Writers in the gothic era wrote dark stories.
Punctilio- a fine point of conduct
• The strict boss implimiented punctilio for the workers.
Metamorphosis- a change of form
• Catipillers go through metamorphosis to become butterflies.
Raconteur- a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way
• Tribes usually had a raconteur.
Sine Qua Non- an essential condition
• My dog has a sin qua non that she cannot eat corn product.
Quixotic- unrealistic and impractical
• My mother was being quixotic.
Vendetta- bitter quarrel
• Years after the two had a fight they still had a vendetta.
Non Sequitur- a conclusion or statement that does not follow previous statement
• The principal talked in circles but he ended with a non sequitur.
Mystique- a fascinating aura of mystery
• The lost city of Atlantis is a mystique.
Quagmire- a soft boggy area of land
• The banks of the lake were quagmire and I lost both my shoes.
Parlous- full of danger or uncertainty
• The journey was long and parlous.