Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tale of Canterbury Tale

My group choose the story of The Wife of Bath's. I took part six.

Summary: My section is about a knight and his wife who is ugly. They are talking about staying faithful to eachother and about there marriage. They both bring in evidence form other authors about being faithful and lying. The wife asks her knight if he would rather her be ugly and faithful or pretty and risk her not being faithful. After a long decision he chooses ugly adn faithful and they are both happy and they pray.
1) The Knight seemed to be the central character of the story. The begging of my part is him talking and not his wife.
2) Chaucer's purpose for writing this story was to humanize royal people. It showed that even royal people fight with thier sposes sometimes. He was satirizing society by saying that the Knight and his wife had marriage trouble over stupid things. He wrote this to make regular people feel like they are equal to royal people.

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